Photo-realistic Renderings of Some CDC Equipment

To complement the main, interactive, machine room model rendered by Babylon.js, here are some more photo-realistic renderings of the same models made using Blender's Cycles path tracing renderer. Most of these were rendered as tests while working on the models for the main interactive "exhibit".

These have quite a few nice additional features which cannot be replicated in real time rendering, although a complicated technique called texture baking could give more realism to the interactive renders. We haven't got around to that yet, though.

There is quite a price to be paid in rendering time for photo-realism. Instead of many frames per second, these renders take several minutes to several hours on the hardware we have available.

Much more detailed descriptions of the devices shown can be found in the interactive machine room "exhibit".

It is likely more images will be added to this page in the future, so please check back occasionally.

Click on any of the links below to open a new browser tab showing an image. Note that many of these images are of necessity quite large, so there may be difficulties with low bandwidth Internet connections. They are between 7 MBytes and 20 MBytes each (not really so big for late 2023).

Rooms and Buildings

Central Computer Equipment


Mass Storage and Networking Equipment

Unit Record Equipment

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